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Showing posts from August, 2014

DifFereNces AmOng ComMonAliTies....

Source: Well, in my last post, I was talking about choices. Choice of work in particular. Here, its more of a conscious biological selection of choice that does not exactly groom us to someone we want to represent, but at at some level, this choice helps us with identifying ourselves......, sexually. Yes, being gay or lesbian is of course something that we choose to be, but not because of situations and circumstances. It may be because of a dominance of certain likes and dislikes. But further to it, our choice of sexuality is grounded by biological and NATURAL reasoning. In my view, it is atrocious that the Supreme Court has deemed homosexuality criminal and unnatural. In fact, is it even unnatural!? Either ways, if it is unnatural and 'criminalizable', then they should criminalize any form of robotics and computation, for they are not natural! Just because something is uncommon or unacceptable for the igno...


Source: There are economic and scientific theories about how we make our choices, why we make them, and how our choices reflect on to our behaviours. But here, I am not going to go that deep into the topic. In my head choice is a beauty facet of freedom. The freedom to choose anything and everything. Backed by our conservative / semi-conservative upbringing and sticking to our nature of taking cautious moves, we restrict or rather perceive restrictions whilst deciding what to choose. We confine ourselves within self invented boundaries that no one is stopping ourselves to cross, except us. Or rather, we confine ourselves with that conscious / non-conscious fear of the beyond, the unknown. Take for instance our choice of career. How many of us choose to do want we want to do and not compromise with the obvious alternative? It is most likely that the percentage will be lesser than half of all. Why? Well, one reason is tha...